QA Manager

This program contains all of the topics a QA Manger should be familiar with.

Program Information
  • Status: Active
  • Min hours effort per week: 1
  • Max hours effort per week: 6

Courses in this program

  • Device Control – Essentials

    The Device Control course will discuss the various components of the device control popups, basic device operation and device faults.

  • List Popups – Essentials

    List popups provide essential information for many functions such as batching and CIP. This course will explore the various list popups, including permissive and interlock popups.

  • Functions – Essentials

    The Functions course will provide a overview of function definitions, buttons and what they do, master states and status placards. A basic understanding of Functions is necessary to systems operations such as CIP and Batching.

  • Receiving – Essentials

    The Receiving course will introduce the user to receiving QA forms and the sweetener receiving function.

  • Batching – Essentials

    This course covers the different components of the batching tools screen, including header and batch step information.

  • Transfers – Essentials

    Transfers is a short course that touches on selecting source tanks and transferring them to a destination, such as filler.

  • Reports – Essentials

    TriCore’s Reporting course explores many different types of the reports, their various components and what they mean to the user. This is a great starting point for anyone seeing TriCore reports for the first time.

  • TCFlexTrack – Essentials

    TCFlexTrack is TriCore’s activity logging tool. This course will cover the basics what type of information is logged and how to access it.

  • TCFlexClean – Essentials

    For any customers using a TCFlexClean product, this course will cover TCFlexClean tool itself, discussing topics such as setting up and editing CIP recipes. This is a critical course to understanding and effectively using the TCFlexClean product.

  • TCFlexBatch – Essentials

    For any customers using a TCFlexBatch product, this course will cover the TCFlexBatch tool itself, discussing topics such as setting up and editing recipes. This is a critical course to understanding and effectively using the TCFlexBatch product.